Characteristics of Water

    Water acts like a tape recorder. It records everything it comes in contact with. (Dr. Emoto did
    extensive studies on this topic.) This mean that even if water is filtered the negative information from
    i.e. the lead particle that was there, is still present. The water acts as if it was lead and transmits the
    pathologic information. This is another characteristic of water: it mimics. One way to remove harmful
    information from water is through EM (effective microorganisms).

Effective Microorganisms

    EM stands for Effective Microorganisms, which are a variety of lactic-acid bacteria, yeasts, fungi, and
    so on. For centuries, people have been using these microorganisms to produce food and medicine.

EM Information during the burning process

    The Japanese professor of science who discovered this principle, Dr. Teruo Higa, explains that clay
    is an electrically charged colloid that duplicates information from microorganisms, much like a
    template. By applying this duplication process, our EM-X ceramic absorbs, fixates and binds this
    diverse electrical information. Moreover, the process of burning the microorganisms into the ceramic
    is carried out in a vacuum so that they can stay viable in the heat.

Effective Microorganisms survive the burning process

    Effective Microorganisms are very resistant to high temperatures. To illustrate this phenomenon,
    known microorganisms have been found in the glowing magma of a volcano and in the boiling
    water of a geyser.

EM-X Ceramic

    According to the findings of Dr. Teruo Higa, EM-X ceramic has the incredible ability to delete any kind
    of negative information from water by causing an ion exchange. It also emits long infrared waves that
    erase toxic information from water molecules and reestablish the pure, original state. In addition,
    EM-X works as an anti-oxidant. Not only does it inhibit oxidation but EM-X also reverses oxidation that
    has already happened. At the same time, EM-X reestablishes the matter’s magnetic resonance. EM-
    X ceramic is the medium that transmits the burned-in positive information from the clay into the

The Water Pitcher

    The multifaceted attributes of EM-X are transferred into our pitchers, resulting in a vitalizing and taste-
    improving effect. Water that is poured into the EM-X pitcher is converted in as few as 30 to 60
    minutes into healthy drinking water after pathologic information has been removed. Chlorine
    disappears. The large molecule clusters of the water caused by impurity collapse. The water
    becomes alive again (right turning). Sensitive people can taste the difference between EM-X purified
    water and regular tap water.

    The process also works for other liquids like i.e. wine. When you put wine (red or white) in the
    pitcher you will find that after 60 min the acidity is gone and the wine has a very smooth and refined

nstructions for Care

    Simply wash your pitcher with water or diluted vinegar. Do not put into dishwasher or clean with
    soap or dish detergent.

How to Order

Please contact to order the pitcher. The price is USD 99 plus shipping for the US and
EUR 59 plus shipping for Europe.
EMX Ceramics